Wednesday, December 12, 2012

How Do People Learn Best?

When faced with the question of how do people learn best we often reform this question into, “How do I learn best?”. For this reason the answer to the primary question will have a significant degree of variance from person to person. Howard Gardner offers one theory that can be used to explain the ways in which the best way a person learns can vary in relation to the individual involved in the learning process. Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligences describes how each person possesses a certain degree of each of the eight identified areas of intelligence. These areas include “linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, special, bodily-kinesthetic, naturalist, interpersonal, and intrapersonal”.

The website provides a link to the portion “The Digital Classroom” which was written by Gardner. In this document he describes how technology should be used to address the educational needs of the “multiple intelligences”. 

New and current uses of technology will are not discussed within this document since it is rather dated. However, it does contain universal concepts of using technology to target the educational needs of students whose greatest strengths do not fall within the scope of traditional classroom instruction.
It may not be possible to define a universal method of instruction that can be equally effective when applied to all learners. There is one particular aspect of learning that will assist the student in acquiring the greatest degree of growth. This critical ingredient is the individual student’s active engagement in the learning process. The most effective learning situation will be achieved when technology and differentiated instruction are used to target each the learner’s strongest area of intelligence in such a way that the student is actively engaged in the learning process.

1 comment:

  1. Joshua,

    With the ever changing dynamics of technology, it must take into consideration the multiple intelligence put forth by Gardner. Each intelligence has to be adapted when it comes to using technology in the classroom.

    Technology should not be used for the sake of using it. For example, turning a teacher lecture into a Power Point presentation is not a good example of effective teaching or use of technology. As educators, we should be using technology to enhance our students' critical thinking skills and creativity. Why not have students view videos in science, which offer conflicting and diverse views, and have them discuss it on a discussion forum in an online environment such as Desire to Learn (D2L)?

    While I agree that technology should be used in ways which complement a student's multiple intelligence, I also believe it can be used to enhance some of their weak one's. For example, a student who is shy and unwilling to contribute his/her ideas in class, might feel more confidence in doing so in an online discussion forum. If this student receive positive feedback, it might assist in developing this multiple intelligence in terms of this student becoming more comfortable in offering opinions in a face to face environment.

    Providing opportunities to use relevant technology, can enhance and hone their critical thinking skills. Collaborating and communicating with students from around the world is one such method to do so; perhaps this is one way to promote social change as students work together to collaborate on global issues assignments.
